Monday, June 15, 2015

Canine Tracks

I photographed these prints on 06/13/15. They are clearly canine in origin, with a length of approximately 2.75''. They look more like a coyote than a domestic dog based on the following critiria. Toes 2 and 3, the top two toes, sit almost on top of toes 1 and 4, the two outside toes. This creates more space between the toes and heel pad. The toes, especially toes 1 and 4, point straight ahead with little sideward splay. These features are coyote traits. However, it is impossible to say with 100% certainty that these were made by a coyote as the track imprints were not well defined in the ground, and only two prints were observed, not an entire trail pattern.

Track info: